Too basic...
The programmer of this game made good use of his knowledge of actionscript...
Unfortunately the game is very basic in terms of the gameplay. I was kind of bored with the minimal variations on each level.
And the adventure mode didn't really have a great story to keep me going either, I feel you would have made this significantly more enjoyable if you added cut scenes, even if there were only basic comic panels...
Also when I move the helicopter up and down it would have been cool to have seen the animation of the helicopter move in those directions as well.
Also very small touches like animations on the solders (even if they were only movieclip loops) would have added an extra layer of realism to the game, right now with the solders not doing anything, it reeks of laziness...
Should you plan to make a part four my advice would be to innovate,
as it stand this is a solid, though generic addition to the "avoid" genre...
- Celx
~Review Request Club~