My vices are also my virtues...

Celx Requin @Celx-Requin

Age 35, Male

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Secret Island

Joined on 5/17/09

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Health Issues + People These Days Are So Fucked Up.

Posted by Celx-Requin - February 1st, 2013

Wisdom Teeth Are Cocksuckers

Unfortunately due to some unforeseen health issues, I need to travel to the United States to get medical care because apparently dental work isn't covered under Canada's health coverage (unless it's life threatening), and it's going to be cheaper to get it done stateside...

So anyway it looks like I'm going to be spending a few months in California while all this runs it's course, fortunately I have a client I can work for in exchange for room and board, so that's swell!

It does still blow though, I was hoping to take a few months off to work on my cartoon, however since I can't continue to drink Xanax and wine every night to help me cope with the pain, I don't have much of a choice...

Wisdom teeth are cocksuckers >:(

People these days are so fucked up:

A few months back a "friend" asked to borrow some money to do some shady record deal, he needed $100.00 from me so he could appear on a "Young Nobel" mixtape or something. He was in the red at this point, but he promised me he would pay me back by a certain date.

This did not transpire because the job that was supposed to be lined up for him fell through, and he was owed money from a previous job that didn't come through, I can empathize with these situations because they've happened to me, so I let it slide.

Fast forward a couple of months and he still owes me the $100.00, on top of an extra $30 I lent him for food/gas, I end up pulling some strings and land him a fulltime job at "Burger King", which he promptly turned down...

Why would anyone who is broke, and about to be homeless not take a full time job, when work is so fucking scarce? Personally I couldn't fathom turning down a job if I were broke (and living in the recession capital of Canada) this dude's reasoning was "It's a corporation, I don't work for corporations, it's a philosophical thing", what kind of retarded solipsistic prima donna shit is that?!

It's not like I was asking him to give blowjobs under a bridge to homeless gentlemen, or to sling heroin on a street corner, I was asking him to take a job so he could pay me back what I was owed. I can deal with someone not paying me because they can't find work to do so, but I can't stand this kind of selfish posturing, and lack of responsibility.

The stupid didactic lecture he gave me when I brought this up is priceless, I'll paraphrase it for you "if you have bills coming up you shouldn't rely on your debts, and spend thousands on booze and art". It takes some balls to say something like that to a person you owe money to, it would be one thing if he was in the black telling me off, but the dude is in the red, TO ME!!!

The audacity and hypocrisy of that comment flabbergasted me, I could have just as easily have said if your broke maybe you shouldn't have asked me for money for that "Young Nobel" deal, and stop smoking weed.

I need the money, my back tooth got fucked up and needs to be taken out, I couldn't have seen it coming, and it's his caustic behaviour towards my situation that pisses me off. I remember a few years back I owed rent money, so I hawked my Katana that was signed by David Carradine (a gift from my ex fiance), I did this not because I wanted to, but because it was my responsibility to owe up to my debts.

The fact that he owes my partner $1500.00 in back rent makes me even more upset, and the damage he caused to the house I'm in is down right infuriating. I don't know where in history people came to feel so entitled, but that's what's wrong with the world nowadays.

It's $130.00, I have more money set aside elsewhere, and in the grand scheme of things it's chump change to someone with a job, so I wont lose sleep. The principle of what happened, and the lack of respect is what makes my blood boil, I still wish him well, but with that attitude he wont get far in life, and the guy just lost a friend...

So anyway there are going to be some delays due to these circumstances (Although I'm working a full night on my cartoon right now).

- Celx


I read your rant in its entirety, if that makes you feel any better.

It does...

It seems you have a full blown fuckface on your hands.

Wish I could help, but haven't dealt with these kind of people yet in my life, so wouldn't know what to do.

And here I was thinking Canada was nice to the max. Goddamn stereotypes.

It's lame when you help someone out, and they don't appreciate it...
But Canada is still awesome :)

Read you rant's and sorry for the tooth ache and to the douche bag that was your friend both my finger's are up

Well having people agree with you is always a good feeling :)

People like that are unchangeable. No matter what happens they´ll never do anything until the consequences set in and even then the´ll just deal with the consequences rather than help the situation. also tooth ache is a sonofobitch I agree :/

That's what people have been telling me, which is why I'm not gonna talk to the guy anymore...

kick the fucker out and see where his attitude gets him

He's already been kicked out...

I've just randomly stumbled upon your post and I must say that I can't understand how some people can be such assholes. I feel sorry for you man; I hope everything turns alright in the long run.

I don't get it either...

Randomly stumbling apon your post, reading it whole, thinking in the end: I would do anything for a full time job. Oh well, people, starting at some point in life, won't change. My mom always reminds me, never to have any debts, and if you do - pay it all as soon as possible, so your mind will be at ease.

Words of wisdom...

If you should ever have an exposed nerve in one of your teeth, put a few drops of rubbing alcohol on a Q-Tip, and apply directly to the spot. It kills the bacteria that aggravates the tooth beaver. Rubbing alcohol in very small amounts like that won't make you blind or kill you (or both). Also table sugar likes to eat tooth enamel, but honey won't (for some reason, might just be me).
They say life is a wilderness without friends, and that guy's about to be eaten by a bear, I think.

Thanks, I'll try that, also I like that saying...

If he doesn't want to learn it now he will learn it the hard way eventually. That's how things work.
Sadly, most people only notice how great something/their previous life was after losing it.

Live and learn...

\/ Stole it from Ben Franklin. "Lies have to be covered up, while the truth can run around naked."
The man in black did a song about the ones he liked <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNSGOwiqNAw">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNSGOwiqNAw</a> though I'm not crazy about the original reverb.
Really enjoying your written and visual artistry!

Thanks, I gotta check out that video tonight with a little of old J.W.