A Twisted Transparency| Design Dossier: Artwork
Being that "A twisted transparency", is going to be a full cartoon instead of a just a comic (and therefore not possible to release once a month), I've decided to keep a monthly "design dossier", to give those interested some insight as to the progress of the film.
To kick off May I will be discussing the artwork in the film, the art featured in "A twisted transparency" is a hybrid between the artwork in "Cooljaw", and "The Sugar Claws".
This was done for various reasons, partially to invoke a feeling of familiarity, as well as for the practical reasons of animating the movie, as the ultra clean lines help reduce the filesize, and potential frame rate problems.
The colouring reflects the noir storyline, these characters are inhabiting a bleak world consumed by corruption, tragedy, and violence, where the only thing salient is the flourish of scarlet; and the colour is a important element in conveying these oppressive conditions.
Each preliminary drawing takes between 1-5 hours to draw and clean up, depending on the complexity of the animation required for a scene.
My philosophy of creating adult oriented stories with attempts at complex underling themes, also extends to the artwork in my projects, each scene is designed with slow methodical precision, with the desire to have the finished product look as polished as possible, and reflect the nature of the content.
This final project is meant to be my swan song, and everything in it will be done to the best of my abilities, for this reason it will take some time to complete, however I hope the end result will be worth the wait.
Prior Articles:
A Twisted Transparency Announcement
Design Documents:
A Twisted Transparency Menu
A Twisted Transparency| Design Dossier: Artwork
- Celx
You'll never be cool if you don't smoke!
I don't have many vices, however the slow burn of a cigarette always gets me, it's such a euphoric experience that I can't describe it in any other way than "pacifying". When the nights pass slow, and I'm alone I find nothing better than to pontificate with a cigarette, and if I'm really fortunate some J.W: Black, to invoke serious introspection.
Smoking is not only a good ice breaker, but a perfect agent in conversation, it gives one time to pause and think during discourse without breaking the flow of the discussion between colleges. It looks awkward standing silent thinking of the right think to say during heated debate, the cigarette aids conversation in this manner by allowing one to collect their thoughts, and compose themselves whilst taking a drag.
My brand of "cancers" has always been "Treasurer: London", however much to my displeasure these cigarettes are not available in Canada so I can only pick them up when I go to California, I purchase 10 packs when I'm in the U.S. and that usually lasts me the full year since i'm not a heavy smoker. The reason I love the "Treasurer: London" brand is because it captures what smoking is about, the beauty of the freedom to engage in an enjoyable, albeit extremely unhealthy, and masochistic act.
Everything about the "Treasurer" cigarettes is perfect, from the packaging, wonderfully unique design of the cigarette tubes and filters, to the high quality tobacco they use, if Bogart was alive let me assure you these are they type of class cigarettes the man would smoke.
To me Cigarettes bleed sex, they're the ultimate "fuck you" symbol, contrary to the misconception of smokers not knowing the dangers of heavy smoke intake, I think most smokers do understand the long term consequences of smoking, but they are willing to roll the dice on their health anyway despite this.
This is what makes the smoker cool, they exude both an understanding of their own mortality, but can also be seen as libertarian figures finding pleasure in a vice, regardless of the current political climate against the act.
There is a slow pogrom of the act occurring which I find distasteful as multiple governments around the world have started with restrictions against smokers, some of these are completely reasonable, such as banning smoking in schools and government offices, or any non private establishment where non smokers may congregate.
However what I find particularly pernicious is the banning of flavoured cigarettes, and the removal the ability of a restaurant owner to have an adult only smoking establishment set up. These provisions directly impend on an adults freedom to enjoy a substance that harms no one else but themselves, or in the case of the restaurant, patrons who are willfully consenting to be in the presence of smokers.
I certainly don't want to wax over the dangers of cigarettes, I know one person who died due to a smoking related cancer, and another who is dying of lung cancer, these people both knew the risks, and I think that's what's important. People should be aware of what the implications are for the things they do and consume.
Cigarettes have health disclaimers all over their packaging, that's a good thing, however you don't find that on liquor despite it's significantly more harmful nature. The attitude towards marihuana is similar, younger people see it as a "safe" drug, when the reality is even purified government issued marihuana has it's dangers; read the research regarding how this drug can induce the onset of schizophrenia, and obsessive compulsive disorder in those who have a family history of said ailments.
That's Government issued marihuana, which is significantly less potent than the product one would find on the street, I'm not making an argument against marihuana, my point is simply cigarettes are being judged in an unfair manner compared to other harmful substances.
In closing people should be aware of what they consume, and more over should be free to consume it as long as any harm is restricted solely to their person.
Also smoking is cool...
- Celx
Man, your stuff is EXTREMELY stylistic-looking, already wanna see how the cartoon turns out.
You're too generous!
- Celx