My vices are also my virtues...

Celx Requin @Celx-Requin

Age 35, Male

Web Designer

Secret Island

Joined on 5/17/09

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Being an "artist" isn't a profession... And my final project...

Posted by Celx-Requin - March 7th, 2012

Being an artist isn't a profession

Being an "artist" can't be considered a profession unless one makes a living from it.

These last few years the living I've made from my flash work has been inadequate. I actually don't feel bad about it though since I picked up flash as a hobby, and I decided to pursue it as a job while some legal shit worked itself out.

I've starved, hawked my shit, done side jobs, learned to hunt, and forage for fruit in order to supplement my income. However the one thing I haven't done is go on welfare, or visit a food bank, primarily because when one chooses to pursue art as a profession it's a purely narcissistic act, (it needs to be since one needs to feel that they are better than others, in an unfathomably competitive field). For someone able bodied as myself the idea of asking society to cover my expenses while I figure out how to turn a profit from my "art" is a repugnant concept.

That said there are certain exceptions where an artist should be allowed social security, say for example an established artist becomes ill, or is injured and is unable to work afterwards I think it would be reasonable to help said individual during this kind of situation.

I'm getting sidetracked, my point is if you've decided to choose the arts as a profession you've gotta take responsibility if things don't go well, you can't expect society to help you if you've gone bust. I've personally been screwed by several people, needed to deal with late payments, and obscene demands, but I've needed to suck it up because this line of work is what I chose to do.

And that brings me to some dour news that I am at a displeasure to announce, I've barley managed to make a living from my work, and as flash starts to die off as a viable web design tool, I've decided to pursue a different career in something completely unrelated after I wrap up one last website for a client.

I feel this is important not only to my financial well being, but also to my health. These last 5 years I've spent, in a viscous cycle of checking my email, placing advertisements online, pounding the pavement inquiring about work, responding to emails, staving, and wondering how the hell I'm gonna make the rent every month. Wash, rinse, repeat everyday for the last five years.

I need to move out of this city, start making new friends, and for fucks sake start eating something more nutritious than discounted stale bread.

This means I will be putting down the pen, but not before I complete my final vanity project...

A Twisted Transparency

"A Twisted Transparency" is the last story in a trilogy of stories about violence.
The prior two were "CoolJaw: Dreaming Darkly", and "The Sugar Claws: Full Course".

"A Twisted Transparency" is a spiritual successor to these last two projects, but will differ from them substantially in the following regards:

- It will be fully animated. (Although the option to flip through it like a comic will be present).
- It will be the first in the series to be designed at 848x480 to allow for transfer to video.
- It will be the first to feature sound effects.
- It will not be a horror, but rather a "noir".
- It will feature an art style that uses elements from both "Cooljaw", & "The Sugar Claws".

Like the prior two stories, "A Twisted Transparency" is a stand alone tale that takes place in the same universe as "Cooljaw", and "The Sugar Claws".

The plot revolves around a box, and the several people intertwined in a conflict over said box.
It will be violent, dark, and a worthy end to the saga.

Look for the trailer near the end of this year.
- Celx

Being an "artist" isn't a profession... And my final project...


Im secretly a gay porn star.. you should try it we make bank! $_$


I'll never forgive Apple for making Flash unprofitable on mobile devices. Never.

Yeah honestly they really fucked flash developers over with that one, even so adobe should have prepared for the upcoming mobile phone market revolution, instead of just hoping it would be a fad that would die out...

It's too bad that this is going to be your last series, and I have to agree with what Nevermind said. If you have trouble finding a job in your specialized field, just get a regular one as a means to support yourself.

Life can be so cruel...

Well you said this is a hobby right? Then get your new job and just upload a drawing every month or so. I mean, you obviously like doing art considering you made all this stuff. You will find a way to get a decent job and do some form of art little by little each day. Or you could become just a "blogger" on here....

Still what ever you decide-never forget your time on Newgrounds :)

I might, it's hard to say, newgrounds has always been such an important part of my life, so I doubt I would ever give up on it completely but I need to get my priorities straight first.

OH wowza that looks NEAT! O_O Can't wait already!

Thanks man!

Although it is very disheartening to hear your resolve to "put down the pen", I completely understand where you're coming from. We live in a time where one has to put their own dreams and talents on hold for a world that never slows down, no matter how aggressively you fight to be different or to go against the grain. One has to put their needs ahead of their wants. I sincerely hope this is not the end of Celx-Requin, but if it is, I want you to know how awe inspiring your art, your storytelling, and your brilliance altogether is to me. I love your work, and hope to see it again, but I will enjoy every second of this last part in a FANTASTIC trilogy... also, I'm not sure what it is, but messaging you or commenting on your submissions makes me want to write very... differently. Definitely not the way I speak...

It was a tough decision to make, that I hope will be for the best.

Aside from the issues I stated above, I'm also running out of stories to tell; and I don't see the point on continuing something just for the sake of continuing on something.

After I completed "CoolJaw" some people started asking for a sequel, or at least something in the same vein. "CoolJaw" was pretty popular, I'm sure I could have kept it going for a while longer, and garnered a much larger fanbase had I done that instead of working on "The Sugar Claws".

However, I said everything I wanted to say with "CoolJaw" which is why I decided to end it, the idea of keeping a story going once it's lost it's relevance never interested me.

This saga I've been working on for these last few years is very important to me, which is why I've continued working to complete it despite how much time, and money it's cost me.

The trilogy was always meant to end at "A Twisted Transparency", and all the stories are intertwined for a reason, afterwards I'm going to take some time off to figure out some things.

I will never stop loving the arts, but I won't continue working on projects just for the sake of doing so, it's hard to say what the future will hold; but everything needs to end eventually.

Do you still like being an artist? Reading this I doubt that.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to A Twisted Transparency. It sounds really good, especially with those sound effects and the animation.

I do enjoy being an artist, but it's about priorities...
A Twisted Transparency is gonna blow people away!

- Celx

sad to read this...all the best in whatever you do

Not long are the days of wine and roses...
- Celx

I'm writing this after days of sleepless night filled with self hatred and sobbing. I look forward to this final installment. I know with times like these that put aside creativity and stories in favor of instant gratification and passionless jobs that people desire for the sake of status it's a tough choice to make. Though I wouldn't put down the pen permanently, you never know what's going to strike. However I'm sure there are many others who'll find these stories rather refreshing then the droll bouncing breasts and mindless shooting/romances that gracefully play out on the dirty silk screen that's riddled with holes and moths. I want to thank you for helping me put some of my stories together in flash. No matter how much I tried I could never figure it out myself. Then again I'm not that smart. I only hope that I wasn't a burden to you and wish you the best my dear.

Until then, take care.

Well this last part of the trilogy is gonna be a "shooter/romance", but I'm hoping it's gonna be subversive, and avoid some of the cliches prevalent in the genre.

I'm not putting aside my work in order to pursue a passionless job, or for the sake of status; I'm doing so because I think I will be happier.

It was no problem, it was my pleasure helping you out, and in the future I hope I you know I'll still be there to help you develop as an artist in whatever way I can.

Hang in there, keep at developing your skills, and I'm sure you be able to get into a profession that makes you happy.

Lots of love,
- Celx

Anticipating work from you as always. I don't have a lot to say at the moment but I'm sure I will in a month's time.

Looking forward to it man :)
- Celx