TOM's Shoes Are Made From The Tears Of Unsatisfied Customers...
So I bought a pair of "Tom's" shoes about 4 months back, and guess what? The fucking things already have a huge hole in them. Even when they were brand new they were a shitty shoe, they got wet from the soles when it rained, I'm not talking about hard rain either, light rain would do them in.
They weren't cheap shoes either they were $80.00 with the clearance discount applied. The reason why they're so expensive is because they are fair trade, and for every pair of shoes bought a pair is given to some needy kid in a third world country.
So I thought why not? I'll be a magnanimous individual and buy a pair instead of my usual brand choice of rockports.
Huge goddamn mistake!
Now that I think about it I could have bought a pair of rockports at clearance for $40.00, and sent out a pair of higher quality, CHEAP "payless shoes" to some kid in Uganda and still have money left over for a donation to the salvation army.
So fuck you Tom and your gimmicky piece of shit shoes, I hope you die being raped by rabid goats, and after you descend to Hell have satan shove your terrible shoes elbow deep up your asshole!
By the way if any of you are feeling like buying a good, durable, fair trade pair of shoes, I would suggest the "Blackspot" sneakers. I used to have a pair and those lasted a good while, the company had the same fair trade ethics, and the profit funded whistle blowing projects.
I would have dished out for those, unfortunately the retailers here only seem to carry shit, like everything else on this granny fucking island.
New Sugar Claws Comic Out!
- Part One
- Part Two
Only three more to go!
Next one should be out sometime next month, in fact I plan to finish all of them next month!
Other News
I finished a new website for the "Qualicum Trading Post" check it out if you have time the website has a bunch of really cool artwork on display!
I'll end off with a cool stop motion video from my favourite band "Turin Brakes"
It took me a while but I get it now. Hah
They seriously are a shitty shoe...