I'm working on new stuff and I'm helping theonewithoutaname with the programming for her comic again, most of this stuff will be happening next month I've been too busy to do much this month.
For those of you here for the comics these are the links:
The Sugar Claws:
Deviant Art Sucks:
Alright so I went to the local art gallery here (which is surprisingly not lame), when I attended they were having an exhibition of the local university art students work.
Some of the art on display was pretty cool, and other parts of the exhibit made me wonder if it was an exhibit for the mentally retarded.
For example there was a lot of generic manga/anime style bullshit. Now don't get me wrong there isn't wrong with manga/anime, but fuck some of these submissions were just soulless.
They seemed so boring, like they were mass produced or something, like the artists didn't want to take a risk or do something different.
There was one picture in particular drawn by a 21 year old graduate that had an anime chick just standing about in a lame ass pose, it was in black and white, and the most creative thing about it was there were swirly arrows pointing to her character saying something stupid like "girl power" or some shit.
Anyway like a train wreck I was captivated by it's sheer awfulness, and I must have been staring at this putrid canvas of dog vomit for a good 5 minutes.
So the "artist" walks over to me and says something along the lines of "pretty cool huh? it took me a while to do, I'm pretty proud of it".
I replied with "Ah I see how long did it take?"
She responded with "We had a one week deadline"
I replied with a terse acknowledgment of her statement along the lines of "I see" hoping to avoid further contact, and a possible uncomfortable situation.
She then asked me if I would like to place a bid on it, the question caught me off guard, and I responded with a simple "I don't think so"...
She then started to question me as to why not, instead of telling her the truth that the thought of hanging something so repulsive in my office would give me cancer, I just told her "it wasn't my thing".
"What's the matter with it?" she asked.
At this point I fell into a scenario where I felt I could have lied to get out the situation, but she asked me what I thought was my issue with her work and I felt it would be wrong to say "nothing is wrong with it, I'm just broke this month"...
So I told her politely, but in a frank manner all the same that I thought it was kinda boring. I think my exact words were "I can't see myself purchasing this because it seems kinda boring, and I feel there isn't anything that makes it unique or interesting, it seems like a lackluster effort, but that's just me I'm sure others may see something in it".
She looked at me for a bit, produced a "Uh-Hu" sound, and walked away while giving me the slightest of dirty looks.
The whole incident hasn't sat well with me, I mean if she didn't want to know what was wrong with it she shouldn't have asked.
And that brings me to the point I wanted to make about DeviantArt in comparison to newgrounds.
I am grossly offended that any company that puts itself on a pedestal for it's "artistic" community has a "block user feature" to prevent people from reviewing/commenting on ones work.
See the thing that matures and nurtures an artist is not sappy undeserved praise but rather honest pragmatic criticism, it doesn't need to be pernicious or cruel but honest is the key.
The deviant art community is living in what Freud would describe as a state of "Angels Thanatos", putting the concept in simple terms they are living in a "delusion".
Aside from that repugnant aspect of the community, the other thing that makes my blood boil is the censorship on that site.
Why is it adult pictures aren't allowed? If one has an idea and can't express it within the confines of an invisible square it can ruin the artistic integrity and narrative of a series of pictures. I mean imagine if someone cut out the sex and drug scenes from the film "requiem for a dream", would it has the same impact?
Oh fuck wait! Cockbuster already did that, since the store policy isn't to carry any NC-17 films (I'm referring to blockbuster for the slow). You know why they did that?
Money, fucking money! And that's alright they're a company and should be allowed to run their business any goddamn way they please, same with deviantart.
Although I find the concept of any company that is supposed to be a beacon for artists censoring work deplorable conduct, I can't blame them for wanting to make a dollar.
Now I know all of this seems bitchy, since they aren't forcing anyone to submit work to their site, and this is true but that's not the point I wish to bring up.
I want you to remember back when we had indie video stores that carried porno's, smut, and general trash like Troma films, you know the one where the owner was all fat and sweaty smelling of goat cheese, remember how cool that was? Those places died out because we stopped using them.
Newgrounds is today's equivalent of that, the staff are assholes, the community speaks their mind, and the fact that I'm posting this drivel on the front page should make it crystal clear how fortunate we are to have a website like newgrounds available (after I publish this shit I'll eagerly be awaiting registrar to call me an "untalented ugly faggot" ).
I hope people don't lose sight of the community we have, and how special it is, or else we'll all be giving circle jerks to each other on DevaintArt, and I'm not a gay.
Bottom line is newgrounds has soul...
Also fucking feet are hard to draw...
This is why you go to real art sites, like <a href="http://www.conceptart.org/">http://www.conceptart.org/</a>