Yes it's true I cut myself everyday whenever I shave, my razors are dull, but I refuse to pay the obscene amount companies are charging for a new set of razors, I'm considering going to straight razoring, anyone do so and have advice?
Lots of news so I've broken it up into sections...
These last few weeks have been busy friends, but I finally got the time I needed to release the first chapter in the second act of the CoolJaw Trilogy, so please watch it now and let me know what you think!
Shark Black:
I'm almost finished the big fight scene for the next session, I just have to sit down, relax, and perfect it when I have some free time, tomorrow seems good.
I plan on releasing some new art soon, a bunch of intoxicatingly bizarre pictures I've done over the years, touched up for newgrounds.
That's all folks!
- Celx
1. buy venus, and get some good shaving cream.
2. .........caring is not part of my personality....
3 tomorrow is always good.
4. BYE BYE! >o<
:( You make me sad...