true, it only of personal choice that people may wish to end their lives, although tragic i can thoroughly understand that reasoning.
but what about the doctors, can i one person honestly expect to ask another person to end their lives on their behalf?!.. again personal choice. for this reason, i have to say, that if the U.S and Canada supported assisted suicide, i would have to go against it.
as a person who believes in a God, i believe life is sacred,
That was a very well written argument. If people could keep their spirituality and religion away from science, politics, education and what have you I would not be so adamantly against it. In the case of euthanasia they impede on people's rights severely and it should be unacceptable.
Euthanasia is a significantly more complex issue, the rule about euthanasia should one want it in a situation where they are unable to speak for themselves, is to the place the request for the act on some legal document, and have it signed by a notary public, or lawyer.
But yes unsolicited euthanasia is unacceptable in 99.99% of situations.